Knowledge Center
Fundraising ideas for Father's Day stalls
Father’s Day is a fun experience for both child and parent, and when you’re looking to provide a broad range of options for your school community to celebrate Father’s Day, the world really ...
Fundraising ideas for Mother's Day stalls
Who can forget the excitement of the Mother’s Day stall at primary school? Getting a few dollars from your piggy bank, choosing your item, wrapping it up and presenting it to your mum among...
Creative fundraising ideas for early learning centres!
Creating ideas for your preschool fundraiser is a little different to a run of the mill school fundraiser, which means that you’ll need to be a little creative when it comes to raising funds. ...
How to fundraise and promote school events to your community
While your school might have the best fundraising idea known to man, if your community doesn’t get behind it, the idea may not get legs at all and remain an idea, rather than a successful fundr...
Top ideas for your next great school fundraiser
If you’ve stumbled upon a product that sells like hot cakes in your school fundraising drives you’re basically sitting on a fundraising gold mine. But how do you know what items will be a success and ...